In 2007 EnviroDev formally commenced with assembling the ecosystem of components, networks and general capacities that it is constituted of today. Involvement in a variety of projects and enterprises in North-, Central- and South America, Scandinavia and Europe, the Middle East, various countries in Africa and South East Asia, have served to establish a multi-disciplinary team with a vast reference and research framework, that we have available to be part of the required ecosystems for successful projects and products that could serve to develop our environment.
We see the fields of alternative energy, specifically the solar and wind segments, and the substrata presented by green building and -cities opportunities as one of our five primary focus areas.
The second EnviroDev focus area is projects and products aimed at better management of water resources.
EnviroDev serves as service provider and also sometimes as project principal in the carbon industry, as our third focus area. We establish, advise on, format and certify in carbon projects and also specifically deal with the of spectrum compliance matters therein. This extends to both the carbon credit and taxation spheres, internationally.
Funding for projects and financing of selected products form the fifth focus area of EnviroDev activities and we assume a variety of roles in our different projects, as dictated by the particular project or product ecosystem. In some instances EnviroDev will make own funding resources available, in others we act as facilitators or project funding managers. In all instances, however, independent accounting functions are installed as part of the project ecosystem and thus all project assessments, reporting and financial processing are dealt with by these independent functions. We have a bias towards mobile technologies in EnviroDev, due to having witnessed first-hand in many instances and on different continents what benefits these mobile technologies can deliver in respect of improved access to information and services by project participants, through from members of a co-operative to fund managers.
The EnviroDev team has had extensive exposure to the co-operative movement, from establishing the co-operative and providing support services to it through to eventually being a client of a co-operative. We have seen Co-operatives act as vehicles for development in a variety of industries and cultures, as well as world regions - from micro and SME loans in the Caribbean and Africa, travel and tourism co-operatives in Europe, coupons in Scandinavia, to farming and fishing co-operatives in Africa. We believe the co-operative structure to be deserving of prominence and preference as enterprise format in many instances of establishing a project or product which could deliver Development opportunities for our environment. We do believe that energy/water co-operatives, particularly if acting as part of Public Private Partnerships, can serve to optimally assemble the ecosystems required for successful energy projects and the introduction of products (Also combinations of products, solar/wind and water baskets of products) to markets where normally the barriers to entry would be too strong for standalone endeavours or resources. We also see carbon co-operatives as part of this, our fifth, focus area. EnviroDev actively promotes, also through own resources in many instances, use of the co-operative structure in its’ supported projects and have an end-to-end bouquet of capacities available to assist therein.
Summary - EnviroDev offers its’ multi-disciplinary team and vast international networks, funding capacities and relationships, and a huge body of research and references, to projects and product suppliers that could serve to make a contribution to the Development or otherwise improvement of our environment. We focus on projects and products in the fields of energy, water, carbon management and taxation, also funding for projects and the initial financing of products. We also attempt to introduce the benefits of mobile technologies and co-operative structures to our projects, where at all relevant or applicable.
