EnviroDev involvement in water-related projects, products and services is based on a narrow focus and a purposefully simplistic approach.
We see it as an imperative that community or co-operative based entities be established that can be partners in an ecosystem that has as its’ objectives to do rainwater harvesting, establish and maintain water reuse capacities of at least their grey water, and repair and/or install adequate communal filtration systems or supply personal water filtration devices to a sufficient number of households in a community. Amongst the other parties to these ecosystems are public partners such as local authorities and private industry enterprises, along with the obvious range of service providers.
The failure to maintain infrastructure and specifically sanitation systems, is endemic to local authorities in a number of African countries, specifically including South Africa, and for a variety of reasons. Additionally, resources are simply not available yet to regions where vast numbers of people are without basic services and no such resources can be expected to become available in the foreseeable future, again for a variety of reasons.
EnviroDev is continuously assessing products and their underlying technologies for the purposes of introducing them into supported projects. We have classified these with reference to the three pillars of
projects and
funding, and we accordingly have active involvement in rainwater harvesting projects and related products or technologies, so also with grey water systems and are engaged in funding or financing processes in both segments.
We also have engagement, which we are currently endeavouring to broaden, in projects making use of relatively recent advances in technology, to get water filtration devices to individuals and communities for human consumption purposes. We have an interest in such projects both as enablers or facilitators with the objective to render access to such technologies, and also as possible role-players in setting up localised production facilities.