EnviroDev has a comprehensive international template library of registration and application documents, business plans, project management plans, case studies and training material to make available to relevant co-operative project participants, new and existing ones.

We are focused on promoting the use of co-operative structures for the purposes of alternative energy generation, carbon industry participation and improved water resource management.

The EnviroDev team has had extensive exposure to the co-operative movement, from establishing the co-operative and providing support services to it through to eventually being a client of a co-operative. We have seen Co-operatives act as vehicles for development in a variety of industries and cultures, as well as world regions - from micro and SME loans in the Caribbean and Africa, travel and tourism co-operatives in Europe, coupons in Scandinavia, to farming and fishing co-operatives in Africa. We believe the co-operative structure to be deserving of prominence and preference as enterprise format in many instances of establishing a project or product which could deliver development opportunities for our environment. We are convinced that energy and/or water co-operatives, particularly if acting as part of Public Private Partnerships, can serve to optimally assemble the ecosystems required for successful energy projects and the introduction of products (Also combinations of products, solar/wind and water baskets of products) to markets where normally the barriers to entry would be too strong for standalone endeavours or resources. We also see carbon co-operatives as a particular area of opportunity and are actively pursuing involvement in such projects, internationally. EnviroDev actively promotes, also through own resources in many instances, use of the co-operative structure in its’ supported projects and have an end-to-end bouquet of capacities available to assist therein.

We accordingly invite approaches by currently operational Co-operatives that wish to add the mentioned aspects to their current business activities, groups who are interested in establishing a new co-operative for such purposes, energy or water project managers and product manufacturers or distributors that have matters of relevance to discuss, to contact us.














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