The portfolio of projects and products in which
EnviroDev team members and associates over the last three decades have played a role in funding or raising finance for is huge, covering many industries and varies in amounts ranging from a few hundred thousand dollars to funding for country-wide and carrier-grade wireless networks.
We have a ‘from cradle to grave’ approach embedded in our funding culture, also because our own resources are often at play in our supported projects. We are not big on ‘exit policies’ in the event of
EnviroDev’s own funds being introduced into a project, we instead prefer to remain involved for the full lifecycle of the project or product.
Accordingly, we commence with initial feasibility assessments once the basic non-disclosure and/or letter-of-intent procedures have been put in place, which determines what resources we make available or procure for the purposes of defining the business case, compiling the business plan and resultant processes.
We follow industry-standard protocols in assessing funding and finance options, and in the event of own
EnviroDev funds being introduced to a project, such resources are managed by our outsource partners in the applicable industry segment or geographical territory.
Due diligence processes and compliance matters are of particular importance to us and accordingly,
EnviroDev has put in place a formal cooperation agreement with an associate enterprise to assist us and other members of a project or product ecosystem to avoid compliance risks specifically, a primary focus being compliance with the various regional legislative systems dealing with the protection of privacy and security breaches.
ICT Compliance are our preferred partners in this space, and they also hold our brief to recommend associates of theirs in instances or territories wherein they not are able to assist us or other project parties. It follows then that part of all
EnviroDev funding proposals and supported business plans have compliance management and security strategy components to them.